EMI Induced Electromagnetic Emission of ICs in non fail states

Daniel KIRCHER, Graz University of Technology
Nikolaus CZEPL, Graz University of Technology
Dominik ZUPAN, Graz University of Technology
In modern vehicles, there are more and more electronic components. New, faster technologies with higher clock frequencies are being used, generally increasing the emissions of electronic components. Integrated circuits are becoming more complex and tend to have lower supply voltages, making them more susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI). To make sure that electronic components are fully functional in this harsh electromagnetic environment in the car, electromagnetic emissions should be as low as possible. Therefore, there are standards that regulate emission levels.
However, these standards do not cover the mutual influence of other effects, such as the effect of EMI on EME. We have already shown that EMI can have a large impact on the electromagnetic emissions of integrated circuits if a fault condition is induced due to EMI. In such a state, the chip produces significantly more emissions than in normal operation.
In this work, we have investigated how much the electromagnetic emissions change if the EMI power levels are not strong enough to induce an IC failure condition. The results are presented using the ELITE (ELectromagnetic InTerference and Emission) chart, which shows EMI-induced electromagnetic emissions at the interference frequency.