Exploring Near Field Scanning Techniques for EMC/EMI and Antenna Characterization

Yoram Shimoni, Y.I.C. Technologies
Near Field Real-Time Scanning Techniques
During this presentation we will explore Real-Time Near Field Scanning Techniques to help Antennas and high-speed PCBs designers to characterize and validate their designs. We will use a set of PCB boards to demonstrate some of the most classic EMI/EMC problems PCB designers might implement in a new PCB design and a set of Antennas to demonstrate antenna Far-Field characterization and verification by Near Field scanning tools.
At the EMC/EMI level, 10 Simple circuits have been designed to demonstrate issues that can be detected and illustrated by the use of a Near Field Probes set and Near Field scanner. Each circuit will provide an in-dept analysis that relates to a specific EMC/EMI key design fault such as Crosstalk at the component level, Shielding Leakage, Effect of Ferrite in signal paths, Slots in ground planes, Trace on Boards edge and more.
For Antenna designers we will demonstrate use Near Field Scanner to characterize an Antenna and predict the Gain, Efficiency, Far Field pattern and more.