

Felder mit * sind Pflichtfelder

10th RADHARD Symposium - June 24 - 25, 2025

Anmeldung Anmeldung bis zum 24.04.2025 Anmeldung nach dem 24.04.2025
OnSite participation 100 € 150 €
OnLine participation 100 € 150 €
Participation as Speaker 0 € 0 €

Preise exkl. gesetzl. MwSt.

10th RADHARD Symposium *
June 24 - 25, 2025

OnSite participation

OnLine participation

Participation as Speaker

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Mit der Anmeldung erklären Sie sich mit den AGB der Seibersdorf Labor GmbH einverstanden und stimmen der Nutzung Ihrer Daten im Rahmen der Veranstaltung (siehe Rechtliche Hinweise) zu.*

Als teilnehmende oder vertretungsberechtigte Person Ihrer Organisation bestätigen Sie mit Ihrer Anmeldung, dass weder gegen Sie persönlich, die von Ihnen angemeldete(n) Person(en) noch gegen Ihre:n Arbeitgeber:in bzw. das von Ihnen vertretene Unternehmen Sanktionen der UNO, der USA und/oder der EU bestehen. Wir möchten Sie darauf hinweisen, dass Personen oder Organisationen, die auf diesen Sanktionslisten stehen bzw. für Personen/Unternehmen handeln, die auf Sanktionslisten stehen, an keinen Aus- und Fortbildungen, Konferenzen und sonstigen Veranstaltungen der Seibersdorf Labor GmbH teilnehmen können. Wir bedanken uns für Ihr Verständnis. Bei einem Ausschluss wegen falscher Angaben zu den Sanktionslisten besteht keinerlei Anspruch auf Rückerstattung bereits bezahlter Teilnahmekosten.

Ich habe die Sicherheitsunterweisung verstanden und zur Kenntnis genommen.*

Contract partner
Your contract for admission into the "10th RADHARD Symposium” a two-day onsite and online event on June 24 – June 25, 2025, as a participant is with Seibersdorf Labor GmbH, 2444 Seibersdorf, Austria, www.seibersdorf-laboratories.at who is also the organizer of the symposium.

By registering you agree to the Terms and Conditions of the Seibersdorf Labor GmbH and the use of your data in the context of the event. As a participant or authorized representative of your organization, by registering you confirm that neither you personally, the person(s) you have registered, nor your employer or the company you represent are subject to any UN, US and/or EU sanctions. We would like to point out that persons or organizations that are on any of these sanctions lists or act for persons/companies that are on any of these sanctions lists cannot participate in any training, further education, conferences or other events organized by Seibersdorf Labor GmbH. In the event of exclusion due to false information regarding the sanctions lists, there is no right to a refund of participation fees that have already been paid. We thank you for your understanding.


For onsite participants:
Access to the conference rooms shall be granted only to persons with a valid pass. Onsite participants will also have online access to the live-stream. The personal login-data for the live-stream will be sent to the provided e-mail address a few days before the event. The organizer reserves the right to refuse registration without giving reasons. All registered participants receive their personal conference pass at the registration on the TECH Campus Seibersdorf for the duration of the event. Because of security police reasons, the an ID has to be shown at the porter.

For online participants:
The personal login-data for the live-stream, will be sent to the provided e-mail address a few days before the event.
The organizer reserves the right to refuse registration without giving reasons.

Participation fee for onsite and online participation (excl. VAT)
Early Bird (until April 24, 2025)                                   EUR 100,00
Regular (April 25 – June 23, 2025)                             EUR 150,00
On Site Registration (June 24 – 25, 2025)                  EUR 250,00
Speakers                                                                  free of charge

There is a limited number of participants! Registrations will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.

Terms of payment
The conference price includes participation onsite/online in all sessions listed in the program, the book of abstracts and catering during the breaks for onsite participants.
The event will be streamed and available for all registered participants (onsite and online) for rewatching for up to one month after the event as video on demand (VoD).

The prices do not include VAT. All prices indicated on the RADHARD Symposium Website and registration form are net and are subject to applicable Austrian taxes. The invoice will be sent to you by our accounting department.

Payment terms: Prompt payment without deduction upon receipt of the invoice. Notwithstanding any framework agreements or any other payment terms stipulated therein, prompt payment without deduction upon receipt of the invoice shall be deemed to have been agreed for the conference registration in question.

Cancellation conditions for participants
Cancellation of the registration must be declared in writing to Seibersdorf Labor GmbH to konferenzen(at)seibersdorf-laboratories.at. The date of receipt of the cancellation by the organizer is decisive. In the event of withdrawal, the following costs are to be paid directly:

  • written withdrawal (deposits with us) before June 10, 2025 no cancellation fees
  • written withdrawal (deposits with us) on or after June 10, 2025, no-show or force majeure: 100% of the total participation fees.

Substitute registrations are possible.

Seibersdorf Labor GmbH is not liable for the timely fulfillment of all necessary entry requirements by the participants.

Data protection
We process your data for the creation for the day pass, the login-data and to send you information about this event.

Photos and Videos
Upon entering the conference venue the attendees expressly and gratuitously consent to the publication and use of any photo, sound recording, or video produced during the course of the conference and featuring any particular attendee. These recordings will be made available to the participants and can be published, also outside the context of the conference and its registered participants.

If you have any questions, please contact marketing(at)seibersdorf-laboratories.at

Photos uploaded from participants at the Radhard website will be made available to the participants in a photo collage.

The making of photos, videos and sound recordings by the participants of the lecture or of persons during the event in presence and online is prohibited without exception.

It is the attendee's responsibility to take out insurance for the duration of the event.

Exclusion of Liability
The organizer accepts no liability.

The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the program, particularly in the event of cancellation by speakers, and amend the General Terms of Business; such variations shall not give rise to any claim by the attendee for damages. The organizer furthermore reserves the right to cancel the entire event if the number of those registering to attend is too low. Any payments made by that time shall be refunded in full in such a case. No further claim against the organizer may be made.

The contents of the information system web sites and newsletters written and maintained by Seibersdorf Labor GmbH together with all information contained therein, including text, graphics, images, design and source code or other forms, are and remain the property of Seibersdorf Labor GmbH and are protected by copyrights, trademarks, patents, licences or other proprietary rights or laws.

No part of this website may be modified, copied, distributed, published, mailed or transmitted without the prior written consent of Seibersdorf Labor GmbH. Users may download, print and distribute the content presented for personal, non-commercial use, provided that the content remains unaltered. All copies of or excerpts from these pages must retain all copyright notices or other proprietary notices by Seibersdorf Labor GmbH or the owner of the copyright, trademark, patent or other rights.

Commercial use or distribution require the prior written consent of Seibersdorf Labor GmbH.

The preparation and distribution of modified, extended, abbreviated or translated content require the prior written consent of Seibersdorf Labor GmbH.

You are entitled to create hyperlinks to these Seibersdorf Labor GmbH pages, but are obliged to make a clear distinction between information provided by you and information provided by Seibersdorf Labor GmbH. The Seibersdor Labor GmbH pages must not appear to be part of your own homepage.

These pages contain links to internet pages of third parties, which are not under Seibersdorf Labor GmbH‘s control. Seibersdorf Labor GmbH therefore accepts no liability whatsoever for the content of those pages, especially their lawfulness and legality. Please let us know if these links are deactivated or appear to be incorrect or inappropriate or if any other problems arise from the pages maintained by Seibersdorf Labor GmbH.

Place of Juridiction
All legal relations with the organizer are subject to Austrian law. The place of jurisdiction is Wiener Neustadt.

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