EMV Fachtagung 2016 - Aussteller/Sponsor

EMV Fachtagung

Frankonia EMC Test-Systems GmbH

The FRANKONIA Group is manufacturer of high-quality anechoic chambers, RF-shielded rooms and EMC test-systems for immunity and emission tests. Established in 1987 Frankonia quickly developed to one of the worldwide leading manufacturer and supplier acting on the EMC market.

Frankonia is one of only a few suppliers, who is able to manufacture all important shielding parts like doors, honeycombs, water-, gas- and other feed-through components up to 40 GHz by themselves. Our patented RF-absorbers “FrankoSorb®” fulfill the requirements of DIN 4102, class A2 (non-combustible) with highest RF-performance. Reputable companies like MB tech, BMW, VDE, TÜV and many others trust in our unique thin-film technology which guarantees long-lasting and stable performances.

Frankonia offers customized turn-key laboratories out of one source. Our 240 employees in Germany, Poland and China contribute to our high performance and service quality. An excellent pre- and after sales support completes our service.


Frankonia EMC Test-Systems GmbH
Daimlerstraße 17
91301 Forchheim

Tel.: +49 (0)9191 / 73 666-0
Fax:  +49 (0)9191 / 73 666-20

e-mail: sales(at)frankonia-emv.com
Web.    www.frankoniagroup.com