Space Radiation Dosimetry and Radiation Shielding Effectiveness of Composites in LEO orbit with Timepix and XRB Diodes on board Cubesat VZLUSAT-1
Vladimir Daniel1, Lenka Mikulickova2, Tomas Baca3, Carlos Granja1,4, Veronika Stehlikova3, Adolf Inneman5, Richard Pavlica6
1 Czech Aerospace Research Centre, VZLU, Prague, Czech Republic
2 TTS, Prague, Czech Republic
3 Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
4 ADVACAM, Prague, Czech Republic
5 Rigaku, Prague, Czech Republic
6 5M, Kunovice, Czech Republic
We present measurements and results on space radiation monitoring and dosimetry in LEO orbit 500 km performed with the semiconductor pixel detector Timepix and several XRB diodes on board the VZLUSAT-1. The Czech cubesat, part of the QB50 program, launched by PSLV rocket on 23rd June 2017, has been operating at a 500 km polar orbit. The main instrument, a 1D optics X-ray telescope, is equipped with a focal-plane Timepix detector (300 um silicon) which serves also as radiation monitor and quantum imaging dosemeter of the space radiation environment. A set of XRB diodes measure the ionizing doses (TID) and surround shielding composites for evaluation of their effectiveness. Preliminary results will be shown in the form of characterization and visualization of the space radiation field (Fig. 1 left), dose histograms, and dose maps along the satellite orbit (Fig. 1 right).
Research supported by TA CR grants No. TA03011329 and No. TA04011295.