
ESA mission classification: focus on RHA tailoring & impact on COTS-based projects
Viyas Gupta1
This keynote talk presents an overview of the current updates regarding the radiation hardness assurance (RHA) tailoring of each of the ESA mission classes. ESA is now classifying missions according to five classes: “1” being the lowest risk class, down to “5” being the highest risk class. For each mission class, the ECSS requirements are in the process of being tailored including system engineering and product assurance requirements. This talk will briefly introduce the current tailoring with respect to RHA requirements.
The talk will also include a discussion on the tailoring impact on largely COTS-based projects.
Examples of RHA activities on COTS-based projects will be provided, as well as some advice and reminders, based on recent experience, primarily focused towards “New Space” companies.