
EEE parts activities in the Space2Motion Initiative
Michael Steffens1, Gonzalo Fernández Romero2, Anita Weinschrott-Schaaf3, Thilo Kaupisch4
1 Fraunhofer INT
2 ALTER Technology
3 TESAT-Spacecom
4 German Space Agency at DLR
Contact: EEE-Bauteile@DLR.de
The DLR EEE-components division initiated a working group within the Innospace® Space2Motion Network activity. The focus of this working group is enabling the use of automotive EEE-components (AEC-Q qualified) from German manufacturers in space applications.
The work packages include:
- identifying of the users' demand for components: this work was performed within the network and within a survey performed by HTV GmbH
- Performing a delta analysis between the AEC-Q requirements and ESCC requirements
- Developing a concept and means of verification, e.g. performing component-level tests or tests at higher integration levels and potentially on-orbit
- Perform these tests
- Develop an exchange platform to allow sharing information
From the list of identified AEC-Q components with user demand, several were procured and are currently undergoing screening, life testing, and radiation testing.
In the talk we give an overview over the current status of the activity, show some results and talk about the lessons learned so far.