High-level visit from China

Seibersdorf Labor GmbH

High-level visit from China

On Monday, 7.8.2017, high ranking business representatives from China were guests of our Business Unit EMC & Optics.

The visit took place within the scope of a cooperation with the Guangzhou Institute of Measuring and Testing Technology (GIMT) and ATS Technology Ltd.

The three partners are together establishing a site validation service based in the Guangdong Province for customers from all over China.  

In view of the importance of this cooperation our Managing Director Dr. Martina Schwaiger and Head of Business Unit DI Wolfgang Müllner had the pleasure to welcome further guests: Dr. Wolfgang Knoll (Managing Director AIT Austrian Institute of Technology), DI Claus Zeppelzauer (ecoplus, Lower Austrian Business Agency ) and Mr. Gerhard Schödinger, Member of the Austrian Federal Council (as representative of Mrs. Mikl-Leitner, Governor of Lower Austria).