Radiation Hardness Assurance

Ionizing Radiation and Radioactivity

Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA)

In today's technologically advanced landscape where electronic components and systems are omnipresent, ensuring their reliability in radiation-intensive environments is of utmost importance. The cornerstone of this reliability is Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA), which addresses the susceptibility of electronic systems to degradation in electrical performance when exposed to ionizing radiation.

Understanding RHA

Radiation Hardness Assurance encompasses comprehensive test methodologies for evaluating the performance of electronic components and systems under the influence of radiation. It addresses several radiation-induced phenomena, including total ionizing dose (TID), displacement damage (DD), and single event effects (SEE). These phenomena pose significant challenges as electronic structures continue to miniaturize, influencing their susceptibility to radiation effects.

Standards Compliance

The radiation environment in space is diverse and complex. Adherence to stringent standards is essential to ensure that ground-based tests are representative of the actual radiation environment. Radiation testing standards are set by international bodies such as the European Cooperation on Space Standardization (ECSS), European Space Components Coordination (ESCC), and the US department of defense (MIL-STD). These standards describe specific test procedures that are critical to qualifying components and systems for use in radiation-rich environments.

Our commitment to excellence

At Seibersdorf Laboratories, we are committed to excellence in radiation hardness testing. Our services are underpinned by a rigorous ISO 9001 certified quality management system that ensures the highest standards of service delivery. In addition, our Total Ionizing Dose (TID) testing facility is accredited to EN ISO/IEC 17025, the international standard for testing and calibration laboratories. It sets out requirements for the competence, impartiality and uniformity of laboratory operations to ensure the accuracy and reliability of their testing and calibration results, guaranteeing the reliability and accuracy of our testing procedures. This assures our customers of high quality service and reliable and traceable dosimetry for our TID testing.

In addition, our ISO/IEC 27001​​​​​​​ certification underscores our commitment to information security, cybersecurity, and privacy. This certification validates our robust information security management systems, which meet stringent requirements to protect sensitive data and ensure the integrity and confidentiality of information in all facets of our operations.

Our Services

Radiation Testing Laboratory

  • Specialized in Total Ionizing Dose (TID), Displacement Damage (DD), and Single Event Effects (SEE) radiation testing.
  • Compliance with ECSS, ESCC, and MIL-STD standards to ensure reliability.
  • Accredited exposure for in-house TID testing 
  • In-house SEE laser testing capabilities.

​​​​​​​​​​Ensuring Operability

  • Ensuring the functionality of components and systems in typical radiation environmnts.
  • Expertise in space, nuclear facilities, accelerators, and nuclear medical applications.​​​​​​​

Experimental and Numerical Investigations

  • Comprehensive exploration of radiation effects in components and systems.
  • Utilization of advanced experimental and numerical methods for thorough analysis.

Consulting Services

  • Guidance provided to users and manufacturers regarding product usage in radiation-rich environments.
  • Tailored recommendations and solutions to address specific needs and challenges.

Manufacturing Services

  • Customized manufacturing of irradiation and test boards according to customer specifications.
  • High-quality measurement equipment for TID, DD, and SEE measurements to meet customer requirements and standards.​​​​​​​

Research and Development (R&D)

  • Innovation in the field of radiation sensors including RADFETs, microdosimeters, and PIN diodes.
  • Development of a miniaturized reference dosimeter platform for nanosatellite applications
  • Continuous exploration and improvement of radiation sensor technology.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Our Vision

Seibersdorf Laboratories aims to be the primary partner for radiation hardness testing, offering advanced numerical investigations and customized solutions to meet evolving industry needs.