

Quality Standards

The ultimate goal of our activities is not only to fulfill our quality standards but to improve them continuously. In the business unit Pharmaceuticals, we have many years of expertise in the area of pharmaceutical production and quality control in accordance with GMP guidelines. We hold a GMP certificate with the certificate number INS-480047.

Due to our extensive certifications and accreditations, our work is audited by numerous authorities and as well as our customers on a regular basis. Moreover several internal audits are performed every year.

Training of our operators is very important in order to run high quality processes which lead to high quality radiopharmaceuticals. A part of this training is also performed in in-house at Seibersdorf Academy.

The aspects of radiation protection related to our radiopharmacy are supervised by experts in-house.    

We value good educational backgrounds and long-term employees as part of our quality standards. Currently half of the employees in our business unit have an academic background. Also half of our employees have more than 5 years of practical experience in the field of radiopharmacy.


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