New method of noble gas detection

Seibersdorf Labor GmbH

New method of noble gas detection

As the first laboratory in the world Seibersdorf Labor GmbH has been certified by CTBTO.

As the first laboratory in the world Seibersdorf Labor GmbH has been certified by CTBTO for a new method of noble gas detection. This new technique will strongly improve the power of the global monitoring system of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) which ensures that no nuclear explosion escapes detection.

Nuclear explosions produce radioactive particles, or radionuclides, as well as radioactive noble gases. Seibersdorf Labor GmbH helps detect radioactivity in the atmosphere - the ‘smoking gun’ of any nuclear explosion.

In 2001, the Seibersdorf Facility became the first of the 16 CTBTO laboratories to be brought into service.


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