Our new space project made a successful start

Seibersdorf Labor GmbH

Our new space project made a successful start

Seibersdorf Labor GmbH has been a partner of ESA for a long time. The most recent joint project is the European TEPC, which was launched to ISS from Cape Canaveral.

Our expert group “Radiation Hardness Assurance & Space Weather” (Head Dr. Peter Beck) designed and built the “Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter (TEPC) as part of the ESA project EuCPAD (European Crew Personal Active Dosemeter for Astronauts). The radiation environment in space differs significantly compared to that on Earth. EuCPAD aims at the assessment of radiation exposure to astronauts for their protection and their medical surveillance and document it in order to support risk assessment studies. Those studies will be of great importance for future space journeys, e. g. to Mars which will last some years.

The EuCPAD system consists of several dosimetric components. The TEPC from Seibersdorf is a microdosimetric instrument that measures radiation dose and dose equivalent in complex radiation fields.
The EuCPAD system including the TEPC was installed successfully on board of ISS and started to transfer the dose results to a ground station. Seibersdorf Labor GmbH is responsible for the dosimetric analysis of the collected EuTEPC data. The European TEPC microdosimeter is also suitable for radiation protection purposes in complex, terrestrial radiation environment such as on-board aircraft, around particle accelerators or medical irradiation facilities.





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