
Seibersdorf Labor GmbH

News - Seibersdorf Laboratories

Although the title is “Biomedical Implications of Military Laser Exposure”, the ten scientific chapters of this book form a generally applicable…

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The ILSC is scheduled to take place 2022 in Houston, Tx, March 21-24. The format that was very successful in the previous ILSCs with Scientific…

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On 18.5.2021 our Symposium RADHARD (Radiation Hardness) took place as online event.

More than 100 international guests were logged in…

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Organized by the IEEE EMC Society Chapter and moderated by Dan Hoolihan (ASC C63®), Doug Kramer (ETS-Lindgren) and Alexander Kriz (Seibersdorf…

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We offer services and complete solutions to validate EMC test sites according to various standards in the frequency range from 9 kHz up to 40 GHz.


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