
Seibersdorf Labor GmbH

News - Seibersdorf Laboratories

The Austrian Radiation Protection Association (ÖVS) organized her Spring Meeting 2019 in Seibersdorf.

The topic of the meeting was radiation…

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On 9./10.4.2019 the 4th Symposium RADHARD (Radiation Hardness) took place in Seibersdorf.

The event was initiated and organized by Dr. Peter Beck…

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Our Laser Safety Experts Karl Schulmeister and Mathieu Jean represented Seibersdorf Labor GmbH at the International Laser Safety Conference ILSC 2019…

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On 28./29.3.2019 the working groups AKD (Arbeitskreis Dosimetrie) and AKMed (Arbeitskreis Strahlenschutz in der Medizin) had a joint meeting on the…

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Our Business Unit EMC & Optics took part at the fair EMV (Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC) in Stuttgart, Germany (19.-21.3.2019). Our experts…

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