Seibersdorf Labor GmbH
Seibersdorf Labor GmbHT: +43 50550-2500F: +43 50550-2502office(at)
On Thursday, November 29, 2018, the traditional ceremony of the "Pro-Merito" awards took place at the Seibersdorf campus.
The award recognizes outsta…
On Monday, 26.11.2018, the International Anti-Doping Workshop took place in Seibersdorf.
Dr. Günter Gmeiner, Head of the Austrian Doping Control…
Since October 2018 the business unit Pharmaceuticals of Seibersdorf Labor GmbH is the European manufacturing partner of the Australian biopharma…
Seibersdorf Labor GmbH was part of the RADECS 2018 from 17.-21.9. in Göteborg.
Dr. Peter Beck (Head Radiation Hardness and Space Weather) and DI…
From 3.-6.9.2018 the 50th Annual Conference of German-Swiss Association for Radiation Protection (FS) took place in Dresden. Our managing director Dr.…