
Seibersdorf Labor GmbH

News - Seibersdorf Laboratories

Our company as a member of the European PECASUS consortium will support civil aviation with information on space weather. The International Civil…

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The 15th European Space Weather Week took place in Leuven (Belgium) from 5.-9.11.2018.

Seibersdorf Labor GmbH was represented by our experts Peter…

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On Thursday, November 29, 2018, the traditional ceremony of the "Pro-Merito" awards took place at the Seibersdorf campus.

The award recognizes outsta…

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On Monday, 26.11.2018, the International Anti-Doping Workshop took place in Seibersdorf.

Dr. Günter Gmeiner, Head of the Austrian Doping Control…

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Since October 2018 the business unit Pharmaceuticals of Seibersdorf Labor GmbH is the European manufacturing partner of the Australian biopharma…

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