Seibersdorf Labor GmbH
Seibersdorf Labor GmbHT: +43 50550-2500F: +43 50550-2502office(at)
On Monday, 20.11.2017, the 10th international Anti-Doping Workshop took place in Seibersdorf.
Dr. Günter Gmeiner, Head of the Austrian Doping Control…
From 21-25.10.2017 the 30th Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) took place at the Austria Center Vienna.
Our busin…
The international conference RADECS 2017 took place from 2.-6.10.2017 in Geneva.
The name stands for RADiation Effects on Components and Systems. The…
“30 years Austrian ESA membership” were celebrated on 9.10.2017 in Graz.
European Space Agency ESA, Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the…
Our expert group Radiation Hardness Assurance/Space Weather represented our company at the Austrian Aviation Technology Days.
The event took place on…