
Seibersdorf Labor GmbH

News - Seibersdorf Laboratories

On Monday, 20.11.2017, the 10th international Anti-Doping Workshop took place in Seibersdorf.

Dr. Günter Gmeiner, Head of the Austrian Doping Control…

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From 21-25.10.2017 the 30th Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) took place at the Austria Center Vienna.

Our busin…

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The international conference RADECS 2017 took place from 2.-6.10.2017 in Geneva.

The name stands for RADiation Effects on Components and Systems. The…

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“30 years Austrian ESA membership” were celebrated on 9.10.2017 in Graz.

European Space Agency ESA, Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the…

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Our expert group Radiation Hardness Assurance/Space Weather represented our company at the Austrian Aviation Technology Days.

The event took place on…

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