Civil defense and civil protection
By offering radiation protection courses and organizing performance competitions, we are in close contact with the emergency response organizations and the Austrian Armed Forces. We contribute our expertise in the field of civil defense and civil protection to national and international networks and working groups.
The aim of these activities is to improve the equipment of emergency responders, especially with regard to detection systems for recognizing radioactive substances.
We use our expertise on the behaviour of radionuclides in the environment and in food chains in civil protection to optimize intervention and precautionary measures in the event of contamination incidents with radioactive substances. This includes the further development and application of migration and dose estimation models as well as the assessment of agricultural countermeasures.
Reference projects
Improved measures to protect the emergency responders in the event of incidents involving NBC hazardous substances
Establishment of a network of test centers for the testing and certification of CBRNE detectors (chemical, biological, radioactive and explosive hazardous substances).