Electromagnetic Fields

Effects on the Human Body

Induced Current Densities and Power Absorption in the Tissue

Exposure to electromagnetic fields leads to induction of currents or power absorption in the body. To avoid harmful effects of exposure, body currents (or the associated electric field strengths in the tissue) and power absorption are limited by limit values. Radio frequency transmitting devices operated on or in close proximity to the body with more than 20 mW transmit power must be tested concerning power absorption caused in the user's body (specific absorption rate SAR).

Many exposure situations, especially in industrial areas with highly exposed workplaces, require a detailed analysis of the body current distribution or SAR. For the detailed determination of induced body currents and power absorption in individual tissues, we develop and use state-of-the-art measurement methods as well as state-of-the-art and powerful hardware and software for computer simulations.



Our Offer

  • SAR measurements in the frequency range from 10 MHz to 6 GHz, according to the relevant measurement regulations (EN IEC 62209-2, EN IEC 62209-1528)
  • Computer simulations of induced body current densities and induced electric field strengths in tissue using high-resolution anatomical body models.
  • Development support for device manufacturers about SAR- or body current-minimizing device design