
Seibersdorf Labor GmbH

News - Seibersdorf Laboratories

Seibersdorf Labor GmbH has been a partner of ESA for a long time. The most recent joint project is the European TEPC, which was launched to ISS from…

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The Seibersdorf Labor GmbH was represented at the 18th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (3 - 8 July, 2016 in Munich/Germany).


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7th - 8th June, 2016

Seibersdorf Laboratories extended its laboratory capabilities with a new Cobalt-60 facility: The TEC-Laboratory enables 24/7…

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At the 14th Congress of the IRPA ( International Radiation Protection Association ) in Cape Town ( 8 - 05.13.2016 ) Seibersdorf expert DI Christoph…

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On 22.4.2016 Seibersdorf Laboratories took part in the „Lange Nacht der Forschung“ (Long Night of Science). Our expert DI Gernot Schmid and his team…

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