Technical Session J


RADECS 2021 - Technical Program

Thursday, September 16, 2021 (starts at 10.30 h)

RADECS 2021 - Session J

Alternative Testing and RHA Approaches

Session Co-Chair:

Manuel Rivas, Blue Origin


[please click on the header to open the details]

G. Karsai1, N. Mahadevan1, A. Witulski1, A. Sternberg1, J. Kauppila1, R. Schrimpf1, P. Adell2, H. Schrone2, M. Meyers2, A. Daniel2

1 Vanderbilt University, USA


Impacts of transistor-level total ionizing dose are simulated on system-level parameters of a CubeSat computing board. Temperature control loop uncertainty quantification shows TID-induced changes as probability distributions of key system parameters versus mission time.


P. Martin Holgado1, A. Romero-Maestre1, J. de-Martín-Hernández2, J. González-Luján3, I. lllera­-Gómez1, Y. Jiménez-de-Luna2, F. Morilla4, M. Sacristan Barbero5, R. García Alía5, M. Dominguez3, Y. Morilla6

1 Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, Spain
2 Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
4 National Distance Education University, Spain
5 CERN, Switzerland
6 CNA, Spain


This work tries to evaluate if valuable information might be extracted from archival data to carry out the mission risk assessment despite the well-known and dramatic lot-to-lot, or even part-to-part, variation for some technologies.


A. Bernhard1, D. Selčan1, T. Rotovnik1, D. Gačnik1, I. Kramberger2, S. Danzeca3, G. Furano4

1 Skylabs d.o.o., Slovenia
2 University of Maribor, Slovenia
3 CERN, Switzerland
4 ESA/ESTEC, Netherlands


This paper provides an overview of the challenges and solutions for wireless communications for terrestrial applications in radiation harsh environments, by utilizing the proven designs used in space applications where radiation tolerance is a must.


F. Bezerra1, J. Mekki1, G. Augustin2, J. Guillermin2, N. Chatry2

1 CNES, France
2 TRAD, France


In this paper, we present and discuss a lightened RHA methodology proposed to fulfill the harsh constraints in terms of cost and lead time applicable to New Space projects.


A. Scialdone1, R. Ferraro2, R. García Alía3, L. Sterpone4, S. Danzeca1, A. Masi1

1 CERN, ltaly
2 CERN, France
3 CERN, Switzerland
4 Politecnico di Torino, ltaly


In this work, a novel approach for qualifying FPGAs to be used in the LHC radiation environment is proposed. The response of two different FPGAs is presented.

C. Ngom1,2, V. Pouget3, M. Zerarka1 , F. Coccetti1, A. Touboul2, M. Matmat1, O. Crepel4

1 IRT Saint Exupery, France
2 IES-University of Montpellier, France
3 IES-CNRS, France
4 Airbus Toulouse, France


This paper investigates the response of a commercial GaN-on-Si HEMT technology to laser testing parameters commonly used for single-photon absorption testing of silicon devices. Transient currents mappings and the influence of bias conditions are presented and discussed.


Session Chair:

Steven Witczak, Northrop Grumman

X. Li1

1 Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, China


A temperature-switching irradiation (TSI) sequence based on first-principles understanding of interface-trap buildup and annealing is shown to be a conservative test for ELDRS at ultra­-low dose rate in linear bipolar devices.


D. Savchenkov1, G. Davydov1, A. Yanenko1

1 NRNU MEPhl / JSC SPELS, Russian Federation


A method is described for localizing damaged areas on IC chip using ionization response maps. The method can provide some essential information to IC designers to help them improve its resistance to failures.


M. Giordano1,2, S. Danzeca2,  R. Ferraro2

1 ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2 CERN, Switzerland


A testing methodology for microcontrollers under radiation is proposed. General purpose benchmarks are reviewed, a neural network benchmark for loT-devices is introduced. The testing strategy is validated on ARM M0+/M4 microcontrollers under a 200MeV-proton beam.


P. Bodmann1, D. Oliveira2, P. Rech3

1 UFRGS, Brazil
2 UFPR, Brazil
3 Politecnico di Torino, ltaly


We compare cross-sections predicted with software fault-injection and measured with neutron beam experiments of eight codes on two Arm devices. We improve predictions accuracy using performance and hardware utilization metrics.


M. Yigitoglu1, M. Demirkoz1, O. Culfa2

1 Middle East Technical University, Turkey
2 Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University, Turkey


In this study, proton energy spectra for four different orbits such as LEO, MEO, GEO and SSO were obtained from the SPENVIS program and proton energy spectrum produced by a laser driven accelerator were compared with them.